Modelling of flange-stud-slab interactions and numerical study on bottom-flange-bolted composite-beam connections

  • Xiaoxiang Wang (School of Civil Engineering, Central South University) ;
  • Yujie Yu (School of Civil Engineering, Central South University) ;
  • Lizhong Jiang (School of Civil Engineering, Central South University) ;
  • Zhiwu Yu (National Engineering Research Center of High-speed Railway Construction Technology)
  • Received : 2022.04.13
  • Accepted : 2023.03.30
  • Published : 2023.04.25


The composite beam connections often encountered fracture failure in the welded bottom flange joint, and a bottom flange bolted connection has been proposed to increase the deformation ability of the bottom flange joint. The seismic performance of the bottom flange bolted composite beam connection was suffered from both the composite action of concrete slab and the asymmetric load transfer mechanisms between top and bottom beam flange joints. Thus, this paper presents a comprehensive numerical study on the working mechanism of the bottom flange bolted composite beam connections. Three available modelling methods and a new modelling method on the flange-stud-slab interactions were compared. The efficient numerical modeling method was selected and then applied to the parametric study. The influence of the composite slab, the bottom flange bolts, the shear composite ratio and the web hole shape on the seismic performance of the bottom flange bolted composite beam connections were investigated. A hogging strength calculation method was then proposed based on numerical results.



This research was sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 52278231), the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan (Grant No. 2022JJ20073), the Science and Technology Innovation Program of Hunan Province(2022RC1185) and the Natural Science Foundation of Changsha(kq2202100).


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