Automatic assessment of post-earthquake buildings based on multi-task deep learning with auxiliary tasks

  • Zhihang Li (Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University) ;
  • Huamei Zhu (Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University) ;
  • Mengqi Huang (Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University) ;
  • Pengxuan Ji (Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University) ;
  • Hongyu Huang (Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Zhejiang University) ;
  • Qianbing Zhang (Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University)
  • Received : 2022.09.07
  • Accepted : 2023.02.02
  • Published : 2023.04.25


Post-earthquake building condition assessment is crucial for subsequent rescue and remediation and can be automated by emerging computer vision and deep learning technologies. This study is based on an endeavour for the 2nd International Competition of Structural Health Monitoring (IC-SHM 2021). The task package includes five image segmentation objectives - defects (crack/spall/rebar exposure), structural component, and damage state. The structural component and damage state tasks are identified as the priority that can form actionable decisions. A multi-task Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is proposed to conduct the two major tasks simultaneously. The rest 3 sub-tasks (spall/crack/rebar exposure) were incorporated as auxiliary tasks. By synchronously learning defect information (spall/crack/rebar exposure), the multi-task CNN model outperforms the counterpart single-task models in recognizing structural components and estimating damage states. Particularly, the pixel-level damage state estimation witnesses a mIoU (mean intersection over union) improvement from 0.5855 to 0.6374. For the defect detection tasks, rebar exposure is omitted due to the extremely biased sample distribution. The segmentations of crack and spall are automated by single-task U-Net but with extra efforts to resample the provided data. The segmentation of small objects (spall and crack) benefits from the resampling method, with a substantial IoU increment of nearly 10%.



This study was supported by Monash University for the scholarships and the high-performance computation platform sponsored by the 2022 AWS Cloud Computing Interdisciplinary Seed Project. The authors appreciate the organization committee of IC-SHM 2021, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the Harbin Institute of Technology, for generously providing the invaluable data. The authors also would like to thank the chairs of IC-SHM 2021, Prof. Billie F. Spencer Jr. and Prof. Hui Li, for leading this competition.


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