라이브 커머스의 특성이 소비자 반응에 미치는 영향 -정교화 가능성 모델을 중심으로-

The Effects of Characteristics of Live Commerce on Consumer Responses -Focusing on Elaboration Likelihood Model-

  • 조하경 (이화여자대학교 의류산업학과) ;
  • 박민정 (이화여자대학교 의류산업학과) ;
  • 유정민 (덕성여자대학교 경영학과)
  • Hakyoung Cho (Dept. of Fashion Industry, Ewha Womans University) ;
  • Minjung Park (Dept. of Fashion Industry, Ewha Womans University) ;
  • Jungmin Yoo (Dept. of Business Administration, Duksung Women's University)
  • 투고 : 2022.12.27
  • 심사 : 2023.03.22
  • 발행 : 2023.04.30


This study examines the impact of live commerce characteristics on customer responses in the ELM perspective. Based on ELM, the central route is composed of information completeness, accuracy, and currency, and the peripheral route is composed of streamer credibility, streamer reputation, social presence, and system quality. An online survey of female customers aged 20 to 49 who have purchased beauty products through live commerce within the past three months was conducted. The results demonstrate that information completeness and information currency exert significant impact on perceived usefulness and enjoyment. Social presence and system quality also exert significant impact on perceived usefulness and enjoyment. Moreover, perceived usefulness and enjoyment had significant impact on behavioral intention. The effect of information completeness on perceived usefulness and enjoyment was much stronger for high product involvement groups. Furthermore, the effect of streamer reputation on perceived enjoyment was much stronger for high product involvement groups. In contrast, the effect of social presence on perceived usefulness and enjoyment was much stronger for low product involvement groups. This study suggests theoretical implications for applying ELM to live commerce and practical implications for differentiated live commerce marketing strategies.



이 논문은 2021년 대한민국 교육부와 한국연구재단의 인문사회분야 중견연구자지원사업의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(NRF-2021S1A5A2A01070459).


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