광학 현미경 영상 화질개선의 추세에 관한 체계적 고찰

A Systematic Review of Trends for Image Quality Improvement in Light Microscopy

  • 김규석 (을지대학교 의료공학과) ;
  • 이영진 (가천대학교 방사선학과)
  • Kyuseok Kim (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eulji University) ;
  • Youngjin Lee (Department of Radiological Science, Gachon University)
  • 투고 : 2023.04.27
  • 심사 : 2023.05.22
  • 발행 : 2023.06.30


Image noise reduction algorithm performs important functions in light microscopy. This study aims to systematically review the research trend of types and performance evaluation methods of noise reduction algorithm in light microscopic images. A systematic literature search of three databases of publications from January 1985 to May 2020 was conducted; of the 139 publications reviewed, 16 were included in this study. For each research result, the subjects were categorized into four major frameworks-1. noise reduction method, 2. imaging technique, 3. imaging type, and 4. evaluation method-and analyzed. Since 2003, related studies have been conducted and published, and the number of papers has increased over the years and begun to decrease since 2016. The most commonly used method of noise reduction algorithm for light microscopy images was wavelet-transform-based technology, which was mostly applied in basic systems. In addition, research on the real experimental image was performed more actively than on the simulation condition, with the main case being to use the comparison parameter as an evaluation method. This systematic review is expected to be extremely useful in the future method of numerically analyzing the noise reduction efficiency of light microscopy images.



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