본 연구는 순천향대학교의 연구 지원을 받아 수행되었음.
- 강희정, 고제이, 하솔잎, 김소운, 홍재석, 박종헌, 한국의료 질 보고서, 세종: 한국보건사회연구원, 2018.
- 강희정, 고제이, 하솔잎, 김소운, 홍재석, 박종헌, 이은주, 2017 한국의료 질 보고서: 한국 의료시스템의 혁신 성과 평가(II), 세종: 한국보건사회연구원, 2017.
- 건강보험심사평가원, 2018년 진료비 통계지표, 2019.
- 건강보험심사평가원, 보건의료빅데이터-(의료데이터), 2022a. [Online] Available:
- 건강보험심사평가원, 의료빅데이터개방시스템 의료자원(인력/시설/장비) 현황, 2022b, [Online] A vailable:
- 대학특성화사업 총괄협의회, CK사업소개: 비전과 전략-CK 통계자료, 2018, [Online] Available:
- 박화규, 강은정, 헬스케어 3.0의 이해, 홍릉출판사, 2022.
- 순천향대학교, "지방대학 특성화사업 평가 보고서: 사업단 부문: 대학자율유형 비공학분야", 순천향대학교, 2019.
- 순천향대학교, "2018년 특성화 우수학과 연차보고서", 보건행정경영학과, 의료과학대, 순천향대학교, 2020.
- 순천향대학교, "대학혁신지원사업 2차년도 사업계획서", 자율협약형, 권역, 충청권, 순천향대학교, 2021.
- 순천향대학교, "대학혁신지원사업3차년도 수정사업계획서", 2021. 10.
- AHRQ, "National Healthcare Quality and Disparities report: Introduction and methods AHRQ website: 2022, [Online] Available:
- Blumenfeld, P.C., E. Soloway, R.W. Marx, J.S. Krajcik, M. Guzdial, and A. Palincsar, "Motivating Project-based Learning: Sustaining the doing, Supporting the Learning", Educational Psychologist, Vol.26, No.3-4, 1991, 369-398.
- Condliffe, B., J. Quint, M.G. Visher, M.R. Bangser, S. Drohojowska, L. Saco, and E. Nelson, Project-based learning: A Literature Review, MDRC: Working Paper, 2017.
- Edelson, D.C., "Learning-for-use: A Framework for the Design of Technology-supported Inquiry Activities", Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Vol.38, No.3, 2001, 355-385.<355::AID-TEA1010>3.0.CO;2-M
- Fleurence, R.L., L.H. Curtis, R.M. Califf, R. Platt, J.V. Selby, and J.S. Brown, "Launching PCORnet, a National Patient-centered Clinical Research Network", J. Am. Med. Inform. Assoc., Vol.21, 2014, 578-582.
- Hasni, A., F. Bousadra, V. Belletete, A. Benabdallah, M. Nicole, and N. Dumais, "Trends in Research on Project-based Science and Echnology Teaching and Learning at K-12 Levels: A Systematic Review", Studies in Science Education, 2016.
- Health Quality Ontario, "Engaging with Patients and Caregivers about Quality Improvement: A Guide for Healthcare Providers", 2016.
- Henrikson, N.B., E. Change, K. Ulrich, "Communication with Physician about Healthcare Costs: Survey of an Insured Population", Perm J, Vol.21, 2017, 16-70.
- Kim, H. and H. Lee, "Real-world Evidence Versus Randomized Controlled Trial: Clinical Research Based on Electronic Medical Records", JKMS, 34, 2018, 20-33.
- Krajcik, J.S. and N. Shin, In Project-based learning, & R. K. Sawyer (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of the learning sciences, (2nd ed., pp. 275-297).Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
- Mentzer, G.A., C.M. Czerniak, and B. Lisa, "An Examination of Teacher Understanding of Project-based Science as a Result of Participating in an Extended Professional Development Program: Implications for Implementation", School Science and Mathematics, Vol.117, No.1-2, 2017, 76-86.
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- Raghupathi, W. and V. Raghupathi, Big data analytics in healthcare:promise and potential, Health Information Science and Systems, 2014.
- Tal, T., J.S. Krajcik, and P.C. Blumenfeld, "Urban Schools' Teachers Enacting Project-based Science", Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Vol.43, No.7, 2006, 722-745.
- Thomas, J.W., "A Review of Research on Projectbased Learning", San Rafael, CA: Autodesk Foundation, 2000.