본 논문은 부경대학교 자율창의학술연구비(2021년)에 의하여 연구되었음.
- W.C. Ghoneim, et,al."Model-based fault diagnosis and prognosis for Electric Power Steering systems," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (ICPHM),pp.1-8, 2016,
- X. Wang, Y. Zhao, and H. Wang, "Non-conductive Steering Sensor for Electric Power Steering," in Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Automation, pp.1-6, 2009.
- Md. Akhtaruzzaman et al."An Experiment on Electric Power Steering (EPS) System of a Car", Applied Mechanics and Material, pp.4941-4950, 2012.
- LEARNING MODEL: Electric Power Steering. In Proceedings of the Exxotest Education, 2007, pp.1-45, 2022.
- A, Koji, M, Atsuo, F, Mitsuhiko, & H, Takeshi, "Development of Electric Power Steering Evaluation System." KYB Technical Review, Vol.56, pp.37-42, 2018.
- J.-H. Hong and K.-H. Lee, "Automotive ECU Biometric Authentication Using Blockchain," Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.39-43, 2020.
- H. Akhondi, J. Milimonfared, and K. Malekian, "Performance evaluation of electric power steering with IPM motor and drive system," in 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, IEEE, pp. 2071-2075, 2008.
- X. Liu, H. Pang, Y. Shang, and W. Wu, "Optimal design of fault-tolerant controller for an electric power steering system with sensor failures using genetic algorithm," Shock and Vibration, Vol. 2018.
- Q.Chen, T.Wenfeng, C.Wuwei, A.Qadeer, and W.Yanming. "Model-Based Fault Diagnosis of an Anti-Lock Braking System via Structural Analysis", Sensors, No. 12, 2018.
- V. Govender, and S. Miller, 2016. Modelling and position control of an electric power steering system. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(11), pp.312-318.
- P-P. Du, H. Su and G-Y. Tang, "Friction compensation control for electric power steering systems," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics for Sustainable Energy Systems (IESES), pp.212-217, 2018.
- A. Marouf, M. Djemai, C. Sentouh, and P. Pudlo, "A new control strategy of an electric-power-assisted steering system," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.61, No.8, pp.3574-3589, 2012.
- K. Yamamoto, D. Koenig, O. Sename, and P. Moulaire, "A new control design for an optimized electric power steering system," in IFAC WC 2017-20th IFAC World Congress, 2017.6.
- X. Zheng, L. Zhu, J. Luo, C. Liu, and X. Ji, "Simulation analysis of electric power steering system (EPS) test platform," Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1732, no. 1, p. 012193, IOP Publishing, 2021.
- K. J. Lee, K. H. Lee, C. Moon, H. J. Chang, and H. S. Ahn, "Design and development of a functional safety compliant electric power steering system," Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, Vol.10, No.4, pp.1915-1920, 2015.
- H. Akhondi, J. Milimonfared, and K. Malekian, "Performance evaluation of electric power steering with IPM motor and drive system," in Proceedings of the 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, pp.2071-2075, 2008.
- B.Shyrokau, "The effect of steering-system linearity, simulator motion, and truck driving experience on steering of an articulated tractor-semitrailer combination," Applied Ergonomics, Vol.71, pp.17-28, 2018.
- T. Kim, "Smart Recycle Bin based on IoT," Journal of IoT Convergence, Vol.6, No.1, pp.17-22, 2020
- H-S Lee. "A method for optimizing lifetime prediction of a storage device using the frequency of occurrence of defects in NAND flash memory" Journal of IoT Convergence, Vol.7, No.4, pp.9-14, 2021.
- T-K Kim. "Study on Video Content Delivery Scheme for Mobile Vehicles" Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence Vol.7, No.2 pp.41-45, 2021.