여성 인플루언서의 SNS 바디프로필에 나타난 신체표현 이미지의 기호학적 분석 연구

A Study of Semiotic Analysis of Body Expression Image Shown in the Body Profile of Female Influencer's SNS

  • 채정화 (성균관대학교 의상학과) ;
  • 조경숙 (성균관대학교 의상학과)
  • 투고 : 2022.11.30
  • 심사 : 2023.01.04
  • 발행 : 2023.02.28


The purpose of this study is to interpret the semantic actions of body image symbolized in body expression images shown by micro-influencers body profiles to understand the body profile phenomenon of the MZ generation. As a result of collecting body profile data from micro-influencers, the body profile image types of female influencers on SNS were classified into four types, Athletic, Slim body, Natural, and, Glamorous. Images representing each type were analyzed using the Roland Barthes' Myth model analysis frame. As a result of the semantic analysis, influencers were found to be very active and bold, emphasizing certain body parts according to the type of body image they pursue. Fashion is strategically used to emphasize these aspects. It was found that the ideology of a 'subjective modern woman' was commonly expressed through emphasis on visual signs. This study is meaningful in that it can indirectly lead to the understanding the fashion culture expressed by the MZ generation and provide consumer information and essential data that can be used for communication strategies in the fashion market.



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