Development of a Documentation Model for the Practice of Early Childhood and Play-oriented Curriculum

유아·놀이 중심 교육과정 실천을 위한 기록작업 모형 개발

  • Received : 2022.12.15
  • Accepted : 2023.04.01
  • Published : 2023.04.30


Objective: This study aimed to develop a documentation model that can support early chlildhood learning through play and facilitate the implementation of early childhood and play-oriented curriculum. Methods: This study utilized the design and development research methodology to derive components for the model through literature review and investigation research. In addition, the model was gradually improved through the 3rd expert review, and the validity of the model was verified through usability evaluation with 10 early childhood teachers. Results: This study identified 13 components and developed a flexible, selective, repetitive, and cyclic documentation model based on the 2019 revised Nuri curriculum. Model development is embodied and presented as a model-detailed model-detailed content. The model is presented in detail in the study. Conclusion/Implications: The documentation model developed in this study is expected to provide guidance to early childhood teachers and serve as a basis for future research on documentation in early childhood education. It is expected that it will be able to present the practical direction of records for play support for teachers in the field.



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