• 투고 : 2021.09.03
  • 심사 : 2022.10.13
  • 발행 : 2023.03.03


In this presentation, the particles at the matter surface (metal, crystal, nano) will be considered as the control target outside the physical domain. As is well known that control problems of quantum particles at surface had been investigated in various aspects in last couple of years, but the realization of control would become rather difficult than theoretical results. Especially, whether surface control would be valid? what kind of particles at what kind of matter surfaces can be controlled? so many questions still left as the mystery in the current research literature and papers. It means that the direct control sometime does not easy. On the other hands, control outside the physical domain is quite a interest consideration in mathematics, physics and chemistry. The main plan is to take the quantum systems operator (such as Laplacian ∆) in the form of fractional operator (∆s , 0 < s < 1), then to consider the control outside of physical domain. Fortunately, there are many published articles in the field of applied mathematics can be referred for the achievement of control outside of domain. The external quantum control would be a fresh concept to do the physical control, first in the theoretic, second in the computational, final in the experimental issues.



The author appreciate the 2021 American Chemical Society National Meeting (Fall) for virtual poster [14]. Specially, this paper is dedicated to Supervisor Professor Shin-ichi Nakagiri (Kobe University, Japan) for his birthday at February 28 of year 2023.


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