Field Observation and Quasi-3D Numerical Modeling of Coastal Hydrodynamic Response to Submerged Structures

  • Yejin Hwang (Department of Convergence Study on the Ocean Science and Technology, Korea Maritime and Ocean University) ;
  • Kideok Do (Department of Ocean Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean University) ;
  • Inho Kim (Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Sungyeol Chang (Haeyeon Engineering and Consultants Corporation)
  • 투고 : 2022.12.26
  • 심사 : 2023.02.13
  • 발행 : 2023.04.30


Even though submerged breakwater reduces incident wave energy, it redistributes the coastal area's wave-induced current, sediment transport, and morphological change. This study examines the coastal hydrodynamics and the morphological response of a wave-dominated beach with submerged breakwaters installed through field observation and quasi-3D numerical modeling. The pre-and post-storm bathymetry, water level, and offshore wave under storm forcing were collected in Bongpo Beach on the East coast of Korea and used to analyze the coastal hydrodynamic response. Four vertically equidistant layers were used in the numerical simulation, and the wave-induced current was examined using quasi-3D numerical modeling. The shore normal incident wave (east-northeast) generated strong cross-shore and longshore currents toward the hinterland of the submerged breakwater. However, the oblique incident wave (east-southeast) induced the southeastward longshore current and the sedimentation in the northeast area of the beach. The results suggested that the incident wave direction is a significant factor in determining the current and sediment transport patterns in the presence of the submerged breakwaters. Moreover, the quasi-3D numerical modeling is more appropriate for estimating the wave transformation, current, and sediment transport pattern in the coastal area with the submerged breakwater.



This study was partly supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea grant funded by the Korean government (NRF-2022 R1I1A3065599), and by the Korea CCUS Association (K-CCUS) grant funded by the Korean Government (KCCUS20220001, Human Resources Program for Reduction of greenhouse gases).


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