Production and investigation of 3D printer ABS filaments filled with some rare-earth elements for gamma-ray shielding

  • Batuhan Gultekin (Department of Nuclear Engineering, Sinop University) ;
  • Fatih Bulut (Scientific and Technological Research Applications and Research Center, Sinop University) ;
  • Hatice Yildiz (Department of Nuclear Engineering, Sinop University) ;
  • Hakan Us (Department of Nuclear Engineering, Sinop University) ;
  • Hasan Ogul (Department of Nuclear Engineering, Sinop University)
  • Received : 2023.07.04
  • Accepted : 2023.09.06
  • Published : 2023.12.25


Radiation is the main safety issue for almost all nuclear applications, which must be controlled to protect living organisms and the surrounding materials. In this context, radiation shielding materials have been investigated and used in nuclear technologies. The choice of materials depends on the radiation usage area, type, and energy. Polymer materials are preferred in radiation shielding applications due to their superior characteristics such as chemical inertness, resistivity, low weight, flexibility, strength, and low cost. In the presented work, ABS polymer material, which is possibly the most commonly used material in 3D printers, is mixed with Gd2O3 and Er2O3 nanoparticles. ABS filaments containing these rare-earth elements are then produced using a filament extruder. These produced filaments are used in a 3D printer to create shielding samples. Following the production of shielding samples, SEM, EDS, and gamma-ray shielding analyses (including experiments, WinXCOM, GEANT4, and FLUKA) are performed. The results show that 3D printing technology offers significant enhancements in creating homogeneous and well-structured materials that can be effectively used in gamma-ray shielding applications.



This study was funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkiye (TUBITAK) 1002-A Grant No 122M736.


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