계획된 행동이론(TPB)을 이용한 소비자의 대체육 구매의도에 관한 연구

A Study of Consumers' Intentions to Purchase Alternative Meats Using the Theory of Planned Behavior

  • 김원빈 (순천대학교 농업경제학과) ;
  • 안주영 (순천대학교 농업경제학과) ;
  • 엄지범 (순천대학교 농업경제학과)
  • Won-Bin Kim (Department of Agricultural Economics, Sunchon National University) ;
  • Ju-Young An (Department of Agricultural Economics, Sunchon National University) ;
  • Ji-Bum Um (Department of Agricultural Economics, Sunchon National University)
  • 투고 : 2023.08.27
  • 심사 : 2023.09.22
  • 발행 : 2023.09.30


Based on the theory of planned behavior, this study aims to examine the structural equation model among consumers' concerns and purchase intentions for alternative meats. Data were collected from 300 adults living in Kyeonggi Province. Results show that animal welfare, environmental concern, and health concern all have a direct and significant effect on purchase intention of alternative meat, and the mediation effect is also significant, indicating a partial mediation effect. The image of a company as caring about animal welfare and contributing to public causes can help sell alternative meats. Media publicity focusing on animal welfare for alternative meats can improve the attitudes of domestic consumers as well as their intention to purchase alternative meat products.



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