Centralized Clustering Routing Based on Improved Sine Cosine Algorithm and Energy Balance in WSNs

  • Xiaoling, Guo (School of Information Science and Engineering, Hebei North University) ;
  • Xinghua, Sun (School of Information Science and Engineering, Hebei North University) ;
  • Ling, Li (School of Information Science and Engineering, Hebei North University) ;
  • Renjie, Wu (School of Information Science and Engineering, Hebei North University) ;
  • Meng, Liu (School of Information Science and Engineering, Hebei North University)
  • 투고 : 2022.03.21
  • 심사 : 2022.10.06
  • 발행 : 2023.02.28


Centralized hierarchical routing protocols are often used to solve the problems of uneven energy consumption and short network life in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Clustering and cluster head election have become the focuses of WSNs. In this paper, an energy balanced clustering routing algorithm optimized by sine cosine algorithm (SCA) is proposed. Firstly, optimal cluster head number per round is determined according to surviving node, and the candidate cluster head set is formed by selecting high-energy node. Secondly, a random population with a certain scale is constructed to represent a group of cluster head selection scheme, and fitness function is designed according to inter-cluster distance. Thirdly, the SCA algorithm is improved by using monotone decreasing convex function, and then a certain number of iterations are carried out to select a group of individuals with the minimum fitness function value. From simulation experiments, the process from the first death node to 80% only needs about 30 rounds. This improved algorithm balances the energy consumption among nodes and avoids premature death of some nodes. And it greatly improves the energy utilization and extends the effective life of the whole network.



This paper is supported by Medical Science Research Project of Hebei Province, China (No. 20200 488); Research project of basic scientific research business of provincial colleges and universities of Hebei North University in 2022 (No. JYT2022020); College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program in 2022 (No. S202210092031); and Research and Practice Project of Municipal School Deeply Integrated Education and Teaching Reform in 2022 (No. SXRHJG202231).


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