Measuring Hotel Service Quality Using Social Media Analytics: The Moderating Effects of Brand of Origin

  • 투고 : 2023.05.05
  • 심사 : 2023.06.13
  • 발행 : 2023.09.30


With the rapid advancement of social media analytics and artificial intelligence, many studies have used online customer reviews as an important source to measure service quality in many industries, including the hotel industry. However, these studies have failed to identify the relative importance of different dimensions of service quality and their role in customer satisfaction. To fill this research gap, this study aims to identify the effects of service quality on hotel customer satisfaction from the multidimensional perspectives using sentiment analysis with self-training on online reviews. Additionally, the moderating role of the brand of origin for each service quality dimension is also investigated. Drawing on the SERVQUAL model and brand of origin concept, this study develops 12 hypotheses and empirically tests them using 30,070 online customer hotel reviews collected from The results indicated that overall service quality and each dimension of SERVQUAL significantly influenced customer satisfaction of hotels. The results also confirmed the moderating effects of brand of origin on overall service quality. However, the moderating effects of brand of origin for the tangible, reliability, and empathy dimensions of service quality were significant, whereas the effects for responsiveness and assurance were not. This study sheds new light on service quality measurement by analyzing the multidimensional features of service quality and the role of brand of origin in the hotel service context.



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