간호근무환경이 병원간호사의 재직의도에 미치는 영향: 경력동기와 직업존중감의 이중매개효과

Effects of Nursing Work Environment on Intention to Stay of Hospital Nurses: A Two-Mediator Serial Mediation Effect of Career Motivation and Job-Esteem

  • 이유나 (충북대학교병원 Quality Improvement팀) ;
  • 김은경 (충북대학교 간호학과)
  • Lee, Yu Na (Quality Improvement Team, Chungbuk National University Hospital) ;
  • Kim, Eungyung (Department of Nursing, Chungbuk National University)
  • 투고 : 2023.03.09
  • 심사 : 2023.10.20
  • 발행 : 2023.12.31


Purpose: This study aimed to identify the mediating effects of career motivation and job-esteem and the effect of the nursing work environment on intention to stay among hospital nurses. Methods: Data were collected from 289 nurses working at an advanced general hospital. The research model design was based on the PROCESS macro proposed by Hayes and analyzed using SPSS 24.0 program. Results: The results showed a positive correlation between intention to stay and nursing work environment (r = .19, p = .001), career motivation (r = .34, p < .001), and job-esteem (r = .37, p < .001). Nursing work environment (B = 0.34 [.09~.59]) and job-esteem (B = 0.27 [.04~.49]) had a direct effect on intention to stay. There was a two-mediator sereal mediation effect of career motivation and job-esteem. The nursing work environment showed a significant effect on the intention to stay among hospital nurses through career motivation and job-esteem. Conclusion: In order to increase the retention rate of hospital nurses, it is suggested that government and medical institutions provide multifaceted support that can increase nurses' motivation for career development and recognition of the nursing profession through improvement of the nursing work environment.



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