조직의 정보보안 공정성이 개인의 정보보안 관련 가치 일치 및 제언 행동에 미치는 영향: 대인 간 영향 민감성의 적용

The Impact of Information Security(IS) Organizational Justice on Employee IS Value Congruence and IS Voice Behavior: Exploring the Role of Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influence

  • 투고 : 2023.08.21
  • 심사 : 2023.10.14
  • 발행 : 2023.12.31


Purpose Recently, organizations have been allocating significant financial resources toward the implementation of new technologies and stringent information security (IS) policies in order to enhance IS. However, the potential for IS threats from internal sources within organizations remains high. This study proposes a mechanism whereby the organization's IS environment (organizational justice) enhances employees' perception of IS value congruence and encourages their voice behavior. Furthermore, this study validates that an individual's susceptibility to interpersonal influence can reinforce the relationship between the aforementioned factors and voice behavior. Design/methodology/approach We utilized AMOS 22.0 and Process 3.1 to validate the research model and hypotheses. The data was gathered from 435 employees employed in South Korean firms that implemented IS policies in their work. Structural equation modeling was employed to examine the relationship between organizational justice, value congruence, and voice behavior, and the interaction effect was confirmed by incorporating model 1 of Process 3.1 for the hypothesis pertaining to susceptibility to interpersonal influence. Findings The findings of this study indicate that organizational justice has a positive impact on voice behavior, which is further enhanced by value congruence. Furthermore, the influence of organizational justice and value congruence on voice behavior is moderated by susceptibility to information influence, while susceptibility to normative influence only moderates the effect of organizational justice. These results provide valuable insights for organizations in developing customized information systems strategies that effectively promote employees' voice behaviors.



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