Characteristic analysis and condenser design of gas helium circulation system for zero-boil-off storage tank

  • Jangdon Kim (Mechanical Engineering, Changwon National University) ;
  • Youngjun Choi (Smart Manufacturing Engineering, Changwon National University) ;
  • Keuntae Lee (LNG and cryogenic technology Center, Korea institute of Machinery & Materials) ;
  • Jiho Park (Energy Systems Research Division, Korea institute of Machinery & Materials) ;
  • Dongmin Kim (LNG and cryogenic technology Center, Korea institute of Machinery & Materials) ;
  • Seokho Kim (Mechanical Engineering, Changwon National University)
  • 투고 : 2023.11.06
  • 심사 : 2023.12.14
  • 발행 : 2023.12.31


Hydrogen is an eco-friendly energy source and is being actively researched in various fields around the world, including mobility and aerospace. In order to effectively utilize hydrogen energy, it should be used in a liquid state with high energy storage density, but when hydrogen is stored in a liquid state, BOG (boil-off gas) is generated due to the temperature difference with the atmosphere. This should be re-condensed when considering storage efficiency and economy. In particular, large-capacity liquid hydrogen storage tank is required a gaseous helium circulation cooling system that cools by circulating cryogenic refrigerant due to the increase in heat intrusion from external air as the heat transfer area increases and the wide distribution of the gas layer inside the tank. In order to effectively apply the system, thermo-hydraulic analysis through process analysis is required. In this study, the condenser design and system characteristics of a gaseous helium circulation cooling system for BOG recondensation of a liquefied hydrogen storage tank were compared.



This work was supported by the Basic Research Program funded by the Korea institute of Machinery and Materials (grant number : NK243B).


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