이 연구는 2023년 한국외국어대학교 교내연구비 지원을 받아 수행되었음.
- Bethlehem J (2020). Working with response probabilities, Journal of Official Statistics, 36, 647-674.
- Chung HY and Shin KI (2017). Estimation using informative sampling technique when response rate follows exponential function of variable of interest, Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 30, 993-1004.
- Chung HY and Shin KI (2019). Bias adjusted estimation in a sample survey with linear response rate, Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 32, 631-642.
- Chung HY and Shin KI (2020). A study on non-response bias adjusted estimation in business survey, Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 33, 11-23.
- Chung HY and Shin KI (2022). A response probability estimation for non-ignorable non-response, Communications for Statistical Application and Methods, 29, 263-275.
- Kim JK and Riddles MK (2012). Some theory for propensity-score-adjustment estimators in survey sampling, Survey Methodology, 38, 157-165.
- Lee MH and Shin KI (2022). Bias corrected imputation method for non-ignorable non-response, Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 35, 485-499.
- Min JW and Shin KI (2018). A study on the determination of substrata using the information of exponential response rate by simulation studies, Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 31, 621-636.
- Pfeffermann D, Krieger AM, and Rinott Y (1998). Parametric distributions of complex survey data under informative probability sampling, Statistica Sinica, 8, 1087-1114.
- Pfeffermann D, Mour F, and Silva PN (2006). Multi-level modelling under informative sampling, Biometika, 93, 943-959.
- Riddles MK, Kim JK, and Im J (2016). A propensity-score-adjustment method for nonignorable nonresponse, Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 4, 215-245.
- Sim JY and Shin KI (2021). Bias corrected non-response estimation using nonparametric function estimation of super population model, Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 34, 923-936.