• 투고 : 2023.11.29
  • 심사 : 2023.12.20
  • 발행 : 2023.12.25


This paper introduces the industrial problem, the solution, and the results of the research conducted with Define Inc. The client company wanted to improve the performance of an object detection model on the floor plan dataset. To solve the problem, we analyzed the operational principles, advantages, and disadvantages of the existing object detection model, identified the characteristics of the floor plan dataset, and proposed to use of YOLO v5 as an appropriate object detection model for training the dataset. We compared the performance of the existing model and the proposed model using mAP@60, and verified the object detection results with real test data, and found that the performance increase of mAP@60 was 0.08 higher with a 25% shorter inference time. We also found that the training time of the proposed YOLO v5 was 71% shorter than the existing model because it has a simpler structure. In this paper, we have shown that the object detection model for the floor plan dataset can achieve better performance while reducing the training time. We expect that it will be useful for solving other industrial problems related to object detection in the future. We also believe that this result can be extended to study object recognition in 3D floor plan dataset.



This work was supported by National Institute for Mathematical Sciences(NIMS) grant funded by the Korean government(MSIT) (No.NIMS-B23810000).


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