한국의 미기록종 Pleotrichophorus pseudoglandulosus (Palmer, 1952)(노린재목: 진딧물과)에 대한 보고

The New Record of Pleotrichophorus pseudoglandulosus (Palmer, 1952) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in South Korea

  • 이효빈 (경상대학교 식물의학과) ;
  • 박덕기 (순천대학교 농생명과학과) ;
  • 홍기정 (순천대학교 농생명과학과) ;
  • 이원훈 (경상대학교 식물의학과)
  • Hyobin Lee (Department of Plant Medicine, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Deog-Kee Park (Department of Agricultural Life Science, Sunchon National University) ;
  • Ki-Jeong Hong (Department of Agricultural Life Science, Sunchon National University) ;
  • Wonhoon Lee (Department of Plant Medicine, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 투고 : 2023.10.10
  • 심사 : 2023.11.11
  • 발행 : 2023.12.01


본 연구에서는 쑥에서 서식하는 Pleotrichophorus pseudoglandulosus (Palmer, 1952) 를 처음으로 보고한다. 무시성충에 대한 형태학적 정보, 기주식물, 분포지역, 한국에 분포하는 Pleotrichophorus 속 종들에 대한 분류키를 제공한다.

Pleotrichophorus pseudoglandulosus (Palmer, 1952) collected on Artemisia princeps Pamp. is reported for the first time in South Korea. Species description, measurement, diagnosis, distributions, host plants, illustrations, and identification key of apterous viviparous females in the genus Pleotrichophorus from South Korea are provided.



This work was carried out through "Survey and identification of insect pests of small area-cultivated crops in southern areas of Korean peninsula" (Project Code PJ01450704) supported by Rural Development Administration, South Korea.


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