Personal Smart Travel Planner Service

  • Ki-Beom Kang (National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives) ;
  • Myeong Gyun Kang (Department of Telecommunication Eng., Jeju National Univ.) ;
  • Seong-Hyuk Jo (Department of Telecommunication Eng., Jeju National Univ.) ;
  • Jeong-Woo Jwa (Department of Telecommunication Eng., Jeju National Univ.)
  • Received : 2023.09.07
  • Accepted : 2023.10.20
  • Published : 2023.12.31


The smart tourism service provides tourists with personal travel planner services and context-awareness-based tour guide services. In this paper, we propose the personal travel planner service that creates my travel itinerary using the smart tourism app and the travel planner system. The smart tourism app provides recommended travel products and POI tourist information used to create my travel itinerary. The smart tourism app also provides the smart tourism chatbot service that allows users to select POI tourist information easily and conveniently. The travel planner system consists of the smart tourism information system and the smart tourism chatbot system. The smart tourism information system provides users with travel planner services, recommended travel products, and POI tourism information through the smart tourism app. The smart tourism chatbot system consists of named entity recognition (NER), dialogue state tracking (DST), and Neo4J servers, and provides chatbot services as a smart tourism app. Users can create their own travel itinerary, modify the travel itinerary while traveling, and then register it as a recommended travel product to users, including acquaintances.



This research was also supported by the 2023 scientific promotion program funded by Jeju National University.


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