The role of wall configuration and reinforcement type in selecting the pseudo-static coefficients for reinforced soil walls

  • 투고 : 2022.11.09
  • 심사 : 2023.11.20
  • 발행 : 2023.12.10


In the current study, a series of experimental and analytical evaluations were performed to introduce the horizontal pseudo static coefficient (kh) as a function of the wall configuration and the reinforcement type for analyzing reinforced soil walls. For this purpose, eight shaking table tests were performed on reduced-scale models of integrated and two-tiered walls reinforced by metal strip and geogrid to determine the distribution of dynamic lateral pressure in the walls. Then, the physical models were analyzed using Mononobe-Okabe method to estimate the value of kh required to establish the dynamic lateral pressures similar to those observed in shaking table tests. Based on the results, the horizontal pseudo static coefficient and the position of resultant lateral force (R) were introduced as a function of the horizontal peak ground acceleration (HPGA), the wall configuration, the reinforcement type as well as maximum wall displacement.



The authors would like to thank of Prof. R.J. Bathurst, Prof. A. Ghalandarzade and Mr. M.A. Salimi for providing valuable assistance and also gratefully appreciate the support of the Centrifuge and Physical Modeling Center at Tehran University.


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