Because It Is Green or Unique? Exploring Consumer Responses to Unique Types of Sustainable Packaging

  • Ji Young Lee (Fashion and Textile Technology Dept., SUNY Buffalo State University) ;
  • Ju-Young M. Kang (Dept. of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Hawai'i at Manoa) ;
  • Ki Ho Park (Art Department, SUNY JCC)
  • 투고 : 2023.08.23
  • 심사 : 2023.11.21
  • 발행 : 2023.12.31


With increasing interest in sustainability, several fashion and beauty brands have developed and offered unique types of sustainable packaging in their stores (e.g., 'knot-wrap,' 'seaweed-based' packaging). The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceived value (i.e., green, aesthetic, functional, emotional, social, self-expression) of unique types of sustainable packaging and its impact on consumers' packaging evaluation, store evaluation, and store patronage intentions in the context of a fashion retail store. This study also assessed the moderating effects of consumer innovativeness and environmental concern. Data were collected from 210 US consumers aged 18 to 26 years through Amazon MTurk. The results of structural equation modeling revealed that green, emotional, self-expression, functional, and aesthetic values perceived from unique types of sustainable packaging had significant positive impacts on packaging evaluation. Packaging evaluation, in turn, positively impacted store evaluation, subsequently influencing store patronage intentions. Consumer innovativeness and environmental concern moderated several paths between the variables. This study adds to the existing literature on sustainable packaging by investigating consumer responses to sustainable packaging that incorporates the 'uniqueness' aspect. Managerial implications regarding the importance of developing and offering unique types of sustainable packaging for fashion brands in their retail stores are discussed.



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