SCA Advice System: Ontology Framework for a Computer Curricula Advice System Based on Student Behavior

  • Received : 2023.05.18
  • Accepted : 2023.10.03
  • Published : 2023.12.31


This study proposed an SCA advice system. It is an ontology-based recommender that provides advice on appropriate computer curricula based on the behavior of high school students. The three computer curricula at Chiang Mai Rajabhat University include computer science (CS), information technology (IT), and web programming and security (WEB). This study aims to design the ontology framework for an SCA advice system. The system considers three core ontologies: student, computer-curriculum, and advice. After analyzing student behaviors, the behavior types of CS, IT, and WEB were determined to be SB-2, SB-1, and SB-5, respectively. All subjects in these three curricula were analyzed and grouped into seven groups. Their curricula were synthesized in terms of basic skills, basic knowledge, and characteristics. Finally, advice results can be obtained by consolidating the curriculum nature of the CS, IT, and WEB curricula.



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