딥러닝 기반 광학 문자 인식 기술 동향

Recent Trends in Deep Learning-Based Optical Character Recognition

  • 발행 : 2022.10.01


Optical character recognition is a primary technology required in different fields, including digitizing archival documents, industrial automation, automatic driving, video analytics, medicine, and financial institution, among others. It was created in 1928 using pattern matching, but with the advent of artificial intelligence, it has since evolved into a high-performance character recognition technology. Recently, methods for detecting curved text and characters existing in a complicated background are being studied. Additionally, deep learning models are being developed in a way to recognize texts in various orientations and resolutions, perspective distortion, illumination reflection and partially occluded text, complex font characters, and special characters and artistic text among others. This report reviews the recent deep learning-based text detection and recognition methods and their various applications.



본 연구는 문화체육관광부 및 한국콘텐츠진흥원의 2022년도 문화기술 연구개발 사업으로 수행되었음[과제명: 인공지능 기반 개방형 한문 고서 번역 및 해석 지원 기술 개발, 과제번호: R2021040267, 기여율: 100%].


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