그린ICT 산업의 VC투자 동향과 시사점

Trends and Implications of Venture Capital Investment in Green Information and Communication Technology

  • 최새솔 (지능화정책연구실) ;
  • 서혜진 (부경대학교 시스템경영안전공학부)
  • 발행 : 2022.08.01


As the response to climate change becomes a more pressing global issue, so do expectations for climate change in the green information and communication technology (ICT) industry and the possibility of solving environmental problems through ICT. However, because the green ICT industry is still in its early stages, there is little research on it. Understanding the startup ecosystem in the industry is helpful for recognizing innovation trends in emerging technologies such as green ICT. In this regard, this paper investigates the current state and characteristics of the green ICT ecosystem and presents implications based on an examination of startup venture capital investment trends and submarket identification in the green ICT industry as emphasized by the carbon neutrality paradigm shift. The analysis included 4,807 companies and 3,990 funding records, as well as exploratory data analysis and "k-means" clustering techniques.



이 논문은 한국전자통신연구원 연구운영지원사업의 일환으로 수행되었음[22ZR1400, 국가지능화 기술정책 및 표준화 연구].


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  3. Bitkom, "Klimaeffekte der Digitalisierung," 2021.
  4. 최새솔, "AI 분야 VC투자 특성과 시사점," ETRI Insight, 2019. 10. 18.
  6. 김민주, 김수린, 김창훈, "전 세계 탄소중립 선언 동향 및 평가," 세계 에너지시장 인사이트, 제21호, 2021. 11. 1.