ICT기반 폐플라스틱 관리 전주기 기술 동향

ICT-based Waste Plastic Management Life Cycle Technology

  • 발행 : 2022.08.01


To solve the challenge of waste plastics, this study investigated the related technologies and company trends along the plastic life cycle, and primarily describes ICT technologies to improve efficiency in the process of sorting and sorting waste plastics. Waste plastic discharge caused by the explosive increase in parcel traffic because of COVID-19 is also growing exponentially. Hence, waste treatment is emerging as a social challenge. Most of the domestic waste classification depends on the manual process according to the waste pollution level. The plastic material classification approach using the spectroscopy approach reveals a high error in the contaminated waste plastic classification, but if the Artificial Intelligence-based image classification technology is employed together, the classification precision can be enhanced because of the type of waste plastic product and the contaminated part can be differentiated.



본 논문은 문화체육관광부 및 한국콘텐츠진흥원의 2022년도 문화체육관광 연구개발사업으로 수행되었음[과제명: 안전한 실내 스포츠 활동을 위한 지능형 실내 환경 및 안전관리 기술 개발, 과제번호: SR202006001].


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