A Study on the Pungent Taste of Huangbo (Phellodendri Cortex) - Based on Comparison of Its Application by the Yishui School and Zhu Danxi -

황백(黃柏)의 신미(辛味)에 대한 고찰(考察) - 역수학파(易水學派) 의가(醫家)들과 주단계(朱丹溪)의 활용 방식의 비교를 중심으로 -

  • Shin, Sang-won (Dept. of Humanities & Social Medicine, School of Korean Medicine, Pusan National University)
  • 辛相元 (釜山大學校 韓醫學專門大學院 人文社會醫學敎室)
  • Received : 2022.11.07
  • Accepted : 2022.11.11
  • Published : 2022.11.25


Objectives : Background research on the history of Huangbo's taste being written as 'pungent' was undertaken, after which its clinical meaning was examined from the medical perspective that was behind the medicinal's taste designation. Furthermore, through various understandings on the 'pungent' taste within the process of clinical application, the meaning of 'pungent' in Korean medicinal research was re-evaluated. Methods : Description of Huangbo's taste as 'pungent' as written in medical texts were chronologically examined to determine its origin. The clinical meaning of the pungent taste of Huangbo was examined within the broad medical perspective of doctors who were behind these descriptions. Results & Conclusions : The pungent taste of Huangbo was first described by Zhang Yuansu, followed by doctors of the Yishui School such as Li Dongyuan, Wang Haogu, etc., during which such knowledge was established and contributed to recognition of Huangbo's effect as tonifying Kidney deficiency and treatment of fire within water, after reaching the Kidney. Li Dongyuan understood the meaning of Huangbo's pungent taste as eliminating Yin fire and restoring the upward direction, ultimately restoring the general 'Rising-Falling-Floating-Sinking' mechanism within the context of his inner damage treatment. On the other hand, Zhu Danxi interpreted the pungentness of Huangbo based on his understanding of the nature of fire and action towards it. It seems as Huangbo's effects were understood within a relatively narrow frame, application of its pungent taste became vague, which gave rise to criticism by later period doctors, ultimately leading to an ambiguous understanding of the pungent taste of Huangbo.



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