Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas (한국가스학회지)
- Volume 26 Issue 5
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- Pages.41-48
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- 2022
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- 1226-8402(pISSN)
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- 2713-6922(eISSN)
Thermal Hazard and Decomposition Characteristics of 2-Chloro-N-(Cyano-2-thienyl methyl) acetamide
2-Chloro-N-(Cyano-2-thienyl methyl) acetamide의 열적 위험성 및 분해 특성
Choi, Yi-Rac
(Occupational Safety & Health Research Institute) ;
- Seo, Dong-Hyun (Occupational Safety & Health Research Institute) ;
- Han, Ou-Sup (Occupational Safety & Health Research Institute)
- Received : 2022.07.29
- Accepted : 2022.10.21
- Published : 2022.10.31
2-Chloro-N-(Cyano-2-thienyl methyl) acetamide (CCTA) is an intermediate used for synthesizing pesticides. It is stable at room temperature and pressure but can be decomposed when heat is accumulated. In this study, the decomposition characteristics were evaluated by measuring the weight change according to temperature using a Thermogravimetry analyzer(TGA), and the thermal decomposition characteristics were evaluated using Differential Scanning Calorimeter(DSC). The exothermic decomposition reaction occurred rapidly at about 91 ℃, and the activation energy determined by using Kissinger method, Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose(KAS) method, and Flynn-Wall-Ozawa(FWO) method were 162 kJ/mol, 149 kJ/mol and 139 kJ/mol, respectively. TD24, the temperature at which the maximum heating rate is reached within 24 hours, was evaluated as 52~55 ℃ using the estimated activation energy.
2-Chloro-N-(Cyano-2-thienyl methyl) acetamide(CCTA)는 농약을 합성하는데 사용하는 중간체로써 상온 및 상압에서는 안정하지만 열축적 시 분해될 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 열중량분석기(TGA) 실험을 통해 온도에 따른 질량 변화 측정으로 분해거동을 확인하고, 시차주사열량계(DSC)를 이용하여 열분해특성을 평가하였다. CCTA는 약 91℃에서 발열 분해반응이 급격하게 발생하였으며, Kissinger method, Kissinger-Akahira- Sunose(KAS) method, Flynn-Wall-Ozawa(FWO) method를 이용한 활성화 에너지 계산 결과, 각각 162 kJ/mol, 140 kJ/mol, 139 kJ/mol 으로 나타났다. 활성화에너지를 이용하여 계산된 24시간 이내 최대발열속도에 도달하는 온도인 TD24는 52~55 ℃로 평가되었다.