재사용 암면, 마사토 및 원예용 상토의 혼합비율에 따른 딸기 자묘의 생육 특성

Growth Characteristics of Strawberry Runner Plants according to Mixing Ratio of Reused Rockwool, Decomposed Granite, and Horticultural Media

  • 정지희 (원광대학교 원예학과) ;
  • 배효준 (원광대학교 원예학과) ;
  • 고바울 (국립원예특작과학원) ;
  • 구양규 (원광대학교 원예산업학부) ;
  • 김호철 (원광대학교 원예산업학부) ;
  • 배종향 (원광대학교 원예산업학부)
  • Jeong, Ji-Hee (Department of Horticulture, Graduate School of Wonkwang University) ;
  • Bae, Hyo Jun (Department of Horticulture, Graduate School of Wonkwang University) ;
  • Ko, Baul (National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science) ;
  • Ku, Yang Gyu (Division of Horticulture Industry, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Kim, Ho Cheol (Division of Horticulture Industry, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Bae, Jong Hyang (Division of Horticulture Industry, Wonkwang University)
  • 투고 : 2022.09.06
  • 심사 : 2022.10.31
  • 발행 : 2022.10.31


본 연구는 원예용 상토:마사토:재사용 암면을 100:0:0(대조구), 80:0:20(M1), 60:30:10(M2), 40:30:30(M3), 30:40:30(M4) 및 0:50:50(M5)의 비율(v:v:v)로 혼합한 후 상토의 물리·화학성과 '설향' 딸기 자묘의 생육에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 수행하였다. 상토의 물리적 측면에서는 통계적 차이가 인정되었으며 용적밀도 및 입자밀도는 원예용 상토가 대부분인 대조구와 M1에서 낮았으나, 재활용 암면과 마사토의 혼합비율이 높았던M3, M4, M5에서 용적밀도와 입자밀도가 높았다. 유효수분과 완충수분에서도 비슷한 경향을 보였다. 반면 공극률과 기상률은 대조구와 M1에서 높았고 M3, M4, M5에서 낮았다. 치환성 양이온(K, Ca, Na, Mg)과 염기치환용량(CEC)은 대조구와 M1에서 높았으며 M1, M3, M4, M5에서 낮았다. '설향' 자묘를 재배한 결과, 초장은 M2에서 32.1cm로 길었고 M4에서 28.4cm로 작았으나 자묘의 생육지표인 크라운 직경으로 판단한다면 모든 배지에서 11.23-12.03mm로 형성되어 자묘의 생육에 적합하다고 생각된다. 지상부, 지하부의 생체중과 건물중은 유의한 차이가 없었다. 생육 결과를 종합하였을 때, 일정 비율의 재사용 암면과 마사토를 혼합하여도 원예용 상토만을 사용한 것과 동일한 수준의 생육을 나타내었으나, 재활용 암면과 마사토를 적정 비율로 혼합하였을 때, 공극률, 기상률 등 물리성이 개선되어 관수관리에 유리할 것으로 판단된다.

This study was conducted to investigate the horticultural media + decomposed granite + reused rock wool in the following mixing ratio: Control = 100:0, M1 = 80:0:20, M2 = 60:30:10, M3 = 40:30:30, M4 = 30:40:30, M5 = 0:50:50 (reused rockwool : decomposed granite : horticultural media) and develop the physicochemical properties and the growth of 'Sulhyang' strawberry runner plant. In the physical aspect of the horticultural media, statistical differences were recognized that the bulk density and particle density were lower in the control and M1. But the bulk density and particle density were high in the M3, M4, and M5, because it had high mixing ratio between recycled rock wool and decomposed granite. EAW and WBC showed a similar tendency. The air porosity and total porosity were higher in control and M1 than M3, M4, M5. Exchangeable cation (K+, Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+) and base replacement capacity (CEC) were higher in control and M1, than M2, M3, M4, and M5. As a result of the cultivation of 'Sulhyang' runner plant, the plant length was long in M2, 32.1 cm and smaller than M5 to 28.4 cm. However, if the crown diameter, which is the growth indicator of the runner plant, all 6 treatments were formed 11.23 mm-12.03 mm, which is considered to be suitable for the growth of the runner plant. There wasn't a statistical difference between the weight and dry weight of the root. As a result, the growth difference of the seedlings by the horticulture media was similar. Therefore, considering the physical properties of the horticultural media, it was judged that the air porosity and total porosity would be improved when the recycled rock wool and the decomposed granite were properly mixed rather than the use of the horticultural media as a single medium, which would be advantageous for irrigation management.



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