This study has been reconstructed using data form Yang-Hee Kwon's master's degree for the academic year of 2022
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- Lee JW, Lee YH. Frequency of instant noodle (Ramyeon) intake and food value recognition, and their relationship to blood lipid levels of male adolescents in rural area. Korean J Community Nutr 2003; 8(4): 485-494.
- Kim HS, Lee EY, Kim KM, Kim KW, Pyun JW, Chung SJ et al. Survey on dietary behaviors and intakes of instant noodle (Ramyeon) soup among college students. Korean J Community Nutr 2013; 18(4): 365-371.
- Kwak IK. Intake patterns of Ramen and the awareness of sodium by(of) high school students [master's thesis]. University of Ulsan; 2012.
- Cho SK. Effects of the perception and education about sodium on children's dietary habits [master's thesis]. Kyung Hee University; 2011.
- Ko SY, Kim KW. Nutrition label use, self-efficacy, snacking and eating behavior of middle school students in Kyunggi area. Korean J Community Nutr 2010; 15(4): 513-524.
- Kim YS, Kim BR. Intake of snacks, and perceptions and use of food and nutrition labels by middle school students in Chuncheon area. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr 2012; 41(9): 1265-1273.
- Kwon KI, Yoon SW, Kim SJ, Kang H, Kim HN, Kim JY et al. A survey on customers' perceptions of nutrition labeling for processed food and restaurant meal. Korean J Nutr 2010; 43(2): 181-188.
- Yu KJ, Jung HS, Yoon HH. A comprehensive study on the intake patterns and expenditures on Ramyun among adults in metropolitan areas of Korea. Culin Sci Hosp Res 2013; 19(1): 204-214.
- Lee JS, Kim J, Hong KH, Jang YA, Park SH, Sohn YA et al. A comparison of food and nutrient intakes between instant noodle consumers and non-consumers among Korean children and adolescents. Korean J Nutr 2009; 42(8): 723-731.
- Moon HO, Rho JO. Correlation analysis of sodium-related knowledge, dietary behavior, attitudes towards a low-salt diet and meal attitude guidance for elementary school teachers in Jeonbuk area. J Nutr Health 2017; 50(2): 180-191.
- Pak HO, Hong MS, Sohn CY. Survey on nutrition knowledge, food behaviors, and food frequency of sodium intake in Korean university students. J East Asian Soc Dietary Life 2015; 25(1): 12-19.