Urinary Biomarkers for the Noninvasive Detection of Gastric Cancer

  • Li, Dehong (Gansu Provincial Clinical Research Center for Laboratory Medicine) ;
  • Yan, Li (Gansu Provincial Clinical Research Center for Laboratory Medicine) ;
  • Lin, Fugui (Gansu Provincial Clinical Research Center for Laboratory Medicine) ;
  • Yuan, Xiumei (Gansu Provincial Clinical Research Center for Laboratory Medicine) ;
  • Yang, Xingwen (Gansu Provincial Clinical Research Center for Laboratory Medicine) ;
  • Yang, Xiaoyan (Gansu Provincial Clinical Research Center for Laboratory Medicine) ;
  • Wei, Lianhua (Gansu Provincial Clinical Research Center for Laboratory Medicine) ;
  • Yang, Yang (Gansu Provincial Clinical Research Center for Laboratory Medicine) ;
  • Lu, Yan (Gansu Provincial Clinical Research Center for Laboratory Medicine)
  • 투고 : 2022.03.19
  • 심사 : 2022.08.16
  • 발행 : 2022.10.31


Gastric cancer (GC) is associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. Thus, early diagnosis is important to improve disease prognosis. Endoscopic assessment represents the most reliable imaging method for GC diagnosis; however, it is semi-invasive and costly and heavily depends on the skills of the endoscopist, which limit its clinical applicability. Therefore, the search for new sensitive biomarkers for the early detection of GC using noninvasive sampling collection methods has attracted much attention among scientists. Urine is considered an ideal biofluid, as it is readily accessible, less complex, and relatively stable than plasma and serum. Over the years, substantial progress has been made in screening for potential urinary biomarkers for GC. This review explores the possible applications and limitations of urinary biomarkers in GC detection and diagnosis.



This work was funded by the Research Projects of Gansu Provincial Hospital (Grant No. 21GSSYB-38 and No. 21GSSYC-43).


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