Application of AIG Implemented within CLASS Software for Generating Cognitive Test Item Models

  • Received : 2022.09.10
  • Accepted : 2022.10.10
  • Published : 2022.10.30


Scale scores for cognitive domains have been used as an important indicator for both academic achievement and clinical diagnosis. For example, in education, Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) has been used to measure student's capability in academic learning. In a clinical setting, Cognitive Impairment Screening Test utilizes items measuring cognitive ability as a dementia screening test. We demonstrated a procedure of generating cognitive ability test items similar as in CogAT but the theory associated with the generation is totally different. When creating cognitive test items, we applied automatic item generation (AIG) that reduces errors in predictions of cognitive ability but attains higher reliability. We selected two cognitive ability test items, categorized as a time estimation item for measuring quantitative reasoning and a paper-folding item for measuring visualization. As CogAT has widely used as a cognitive measurement test, developing an AIG-based cognitive test items will greatly contribute to education field. Since CLASS is the only LMS including AIG technology, we used it for the AIG software to construct item models. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the item generation process using AIG implemented within CLASS, along with proving quantitative and qualitative strengths of AIG. In result, we confirmed that more than 10,000 items could be made by a single item model in the quantitative aspect and the validity of items could be assured by the procedure based on ECD and AE in the qualitative aspect. This reliable item generation process based on item models would be the key of developing accurate cognitive measurement tests.



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