이 논문은 2022학년도 백석대학교 학술연구비 지원을 받아 작성되었음
- J. E. Lee and J. S. Kim, "A Study on the Study of Early Childhood Software (SW) Education Focusing on Nordic Country Cases", Korean Journal of Early Childhood Education, Vol.40, No.3, pp.229-251, 2022.
- J. S. Yu, H. S. Lee, O. S. Hong, J. S. Sung, L. G. Yoon, and H. C. Kim et. al. "Report on Exploratory Research Issues on Artificial Intelligence Education Content System for Elementary and Secondary Schools. SW-centered society", Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity, 2020.
- Y. H. Kim and H, Y. Kim, "A study on children's play exploration using IoToys: AI speaker, robot, and digital block. Life and classrooms in the future society", Korean Association for Children's Media & Education, Conference materials, pp.73-90, 2021.
- E. S. Na and T. B. Yoon, "A Study on the Interaction Between Child-Edutainment Humanoid Rhythmic Robot", Association for Future Early Childhood Education Society, Vol.28, No.1, pp.103-126, 2021.
- G. J. Yu and S. L. Kim, "A study on the interaction analysis and aspects between artificial intelligence (AI) speakers and infants", KOAECE, Conference materials, Vol.20, No.11, pp.435-442, 2020.
- J. E. Lee and S. K. Oh, "A study on the effect of activities using artificial intelligence speakers on children's language ability", KOAECE, Vol.26, No.5, pp.185-208, doi:, 2021.
- Ministry of Education, "Education policy direction and core tasks in the age of artificial intelligence. Korea Policy Briefing, 2020.
- Y. C. Nam, " Happy Education", Special Plan 3. World Economic Forum. Vol.462, pp.37-41, 2021.
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- B. C. Go, "A Study on the Development of Artificial Intelligence Education Teacher Training Program for Elementary School Teacher"s, Kyungin University of Education, Graduate School of Education Master's thesis, 2021.
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- K. M. Lee, "Artificial Intelligence (AI). Seoul: Saengneung Publishing House, 2018.
- J. E. Lee and J. S. Kim, "A Study on Early Childhood Software (SW) Education Focusing on Nordic Country Cases", Early Childhood Education Research Association, Vol.40, No.3, pp.229-251, 2020.
- Ministry of Education, "Software training activation master plan", Seoul: Ministry of Education, 2016.
- J. M. Lim and M. C. Choi, "Searching for the direction of artificial intelligence education for infants", Early Childhood Education Research Association, Vol.42, No.4, pp.273-296, 2022.
- Wing, J. M. "Computational thinking", Communications of the ACM, Vol.49, No.3, pp.33-35, 2006.
- S. W. Kim et. al., "A Study on Artificial Intelligence Education for K-12 Students and Teachers", The Korean Association of Computer Education, Vol.23, No.4, 2020.
- AI4K12, "Five Big Ideas in AI". Retrieved April, 4, 2020 from, "Five Big Ideas in AI". Retrieved April, 4, 2020.
- Holmes, W., Bialik, M., and Fadel, C., "Future Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Teaching and Learning", 2020.
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- S. K. Han, M. Y. Ryu and T. R. Kim, "AI training for AI thinking". Paju: Seongan, 2021.
- S. J. Baek, (2021). "Artificial Intelligence (AI) Universal Education Design for Non-Major Humanities". The Society of Digital Policy & Management, Vol.19, No.5, 2021
- S. C. Lee and T. Y. Kim, "Suggestions on the contents and methods of artificial intelligence education for elementary school students", Journal of the Korean Society for Computer Education in Winter 2020, Vol.24, No.1, 2020.
- KICE, "Concept and Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in School Education". KICE Research Materials, Vol.12, No.3, 2020.
- E. K. Lee, "A Study on the Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Curriculum in Elementary and Secondary Schools", Korean Association of Computer Education, 23(1), 37-4, 2020.
- Bers, M. U. "Coding and computational thinking in early childhood: the impact of ScratchJr in Europe, European Journal of STEM Education, Vol.3, No.3, doi:10.20897/ejsteme/3868, 2018.
- H. L. Kwak, A Study on Curriculum Design for Unit Kindergarten According to Nuri Curriculum:Education created by teachers and children together. The Korean Society for Early Childhood Education, Vol.39, No.3, pp.333-359, 2019.
- J. E. Lee, Y. S. Pyun and W. Y. Jun, "Meet the AI Education Nuri Education Curriculum" Seoul: Community, 2022.