Formation of a Person's Value Attitude to the Worldview Using Information Technologies

  • Yakymenko, Svitlana (Elementary and Preschool Education Department, V. O. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv) ;
  • Drobin, Andrii (Department of Information and Communication Technologies and Safety of the Educational Environment, Municipal Institution "Kirovograd Regional IN-Service Теасher Training Institute named after Vasyl Sukhomlynsky") ;
  • Fatych, Mariia (Department of Theory and Methods of Education, National Pedagogical University M. P. Dragomanova) ;
  • Dira, Nadiia (Pedagogy Department, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine) ;
  • Terenko, Olena (Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko) ;
  • Zakharevych, Mykola (Department of Vocational Education and Technology by Profiles, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University) ;
  • Chychuk, Antonina (Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Ferenc Rakiczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute)
  • Received : 2022.10.05
  • Published : 2022.10.30


The article analyzes the features of the formation of a person's value attitude to the worldview by means of information technologies. The present considers it necessary to form a person's value attitude to the perception of the world by means of information technologies. The explosive development of information and telecommunications technologies has become a determining factor in the development of modern society, which is called the information or Global Information Society. It is not yet fully formed, and we are all participants in the development of the Global Information Society. The article considers the basics of a harmonious worldview of a person, which is the basis for the formation of outlook ideas, views, knowledge, beliefs about the surrounding world, which determine the place and role and motivate actions in relation to the surrounding reality through the prism of value orientations. Worldview is considered as an integrity of relatively stable schemes, behaviors, feelings, thinking, vision of the surrounding world, inherent in an individual child, ethno-cultural and socio-cultural groups. The concept of "worldview" as a component of the multi-level structure of the individual's outlook is defined. The features that characterize a person's perception of the world are revealed. The main educational value of information technologies in the formation of a person's value attitude to the perception of the world is highlighted, which consists in the fact that they allow you to create an immeasurable brighter multi-sensory interactive learning environment with almost unlimited potential opportunities that fall at the disposal of both the teacher and the student. The trend of forming a person's value attitude to the perception of the world is clearly developing in the direction of mixed learning as a process that creates a comfortable information educational environment, communication systems that provide all the necessary educational information. The approach to student development by means of the educational environment and the formation, while in the person of a value attitude to the perception of the world by means of Information Technologies, has many pedagogical advantages, which is considered in the article.



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