Modern Possibilities and Prospects of Nanotechnology in Dentistry

  • Sergiy, Chertov (Department of Propaedeutic and Surgical Dentistry Medical Faculty No. 3, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University) ;
  • Valery, Kaminskyy (Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, Maxillo-Facial Surgery Department) ;
  • Olha, Tatarina (Department of Orthopedic Dentistry National Pirogov Memorial Medical University) ;
  • Oleksii, Mandych (Department of therapeutic dentistry FPGE Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University Lviv) ;
  • Andrii, Oliinyk (Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Department of Oral Surgery and Prosthetic Dentistry)
  • Received : 2022.10.05
  • Published : 2022.10.30


Objective. Nanotechnology is spreading among all areas of life, from everyday devices to medicine. The concept of nanotechnology argues that not only can new physical and chemical properties of materials be discovered, but also the new potential of nanostructures when reduced to the nanoscale. The growing interest in the application of nanomaterials in dentistry contributes to the proliferation of the range of nanomaterials used by specialists. The purpose of this review of information sources was to analyze the prospects for the use of nanomaterials in dentistry. Methods. We used the bibliographic semantic method of research, for which we analyzed electronic databases of primary literature sources Scopus, Web of Science, Research Gate, PubMed, MDPI, and MedLine. English-language scientific articles published after 2017 were taken into consideration. Results. According to the results of a search study among modern information primary sources, nanotechnology improves the preventive properties of oral care products, improves the structural-mechanical and aesthetic properties of composite mixtures for dentistry, overcomes the problems of the clinical application of dental implants. Despite the prospects of nanotechnology applications in medicine in general and dentistry in particular, the existing economic and technological problems require a thorough solution for further implementation of nanostructures. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the analysis of modern trends in the application of nanotechnology in dentistry is carried out and the peculiarities of materials are highlighted, the problems and prospects of nanostructures implementation in modern dental implantology are given, physical, chemical, mechanical, and antibacterial properties of nanomaterials are evaluated. The effect of nanomaterials on the microbial adhesion of the tooth or implant surface is described. Practical significance. The presented publication can become a scientific basis for the solution of urgent problems hindering the introduction of nanotechnology into dental practice. Conclusions. Thus, the use of nanostructures opens up great opportunities for the treatment of a wide range of diseases, not only of dental nature but also in medicine in general.



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