A Multi-Perspective Framework of Vision Zero: Toward Collaborative Promotion of Safety, Health and Well-Being at Work

  • 투고 : 2022.01.10
  • 심사 : 2022.05.01
  • 발행 : 2022.09.30


In the globalized field of safety, health, and well-being, the need to build multi-stakeholder alliances to find solutions to complex challenges is growing. This requires common ground for collaboration, as well as concepts and tools to grasp and manage the areas of interest. Over recent years, Vision Zero has awakened interest and it continues to evolve into many forms of approaches and initiatives, which provide a strategic direction and practical tools for supporting the development of safety, health, and well-being at work. Consequently, there is a need to build a shared understanding of 'zero'. This article reflects the potential of Vision Zero as a bridging concept and an approach for building multi-stakeholder collaboration. Thus, we present a multi-perspective framework of Vision Zero to support further dialoge and collaboration in joint undertakings.



The authors wish to thank Anna-Maria Teperi for providing insightful comments on a draft of this paper.


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