이 연구는 2020학년도 대구대학교 연구년 결과물로 제출됨.
- 강기춘, 2021, "경제적 충격에 따른 지역경제 회복력 연구 -글로벌 금융위기 및 코로나19를 중심으로-," 지역개발연구 53(2), pp.1-25.
- 김기호.장동구, 2015, "고용률의 의의와 유용성 분석," 경제분석 11(1), pp.106-135.
- 김용현, 2005, "고용 없는 성장은 현실인가?," 노동정책연구 5(3), pp.35-62.
- 김원배.신혜원, 2013, "한국의 경제위기와 지역 탄력성," 국토연구 79, pp.3-21.
- 김준, 2015, "외환위기와 글로벌 금융위기: 우리나라 노동시장에 미친 영향을 중심으로," 질서경제저널 18(3), pp.65-88.
- 방형준, 2018, "고용 없는 성장," 국제노동브리프, 7월호. pp.35-42.
- 변창욱, 2015, "지역경제 회복력의 개념과 정책방향," 국토, 통권 400호, pp.11-16.
- 신동호, 2017, "경로의존론과 지역회복력 개념: 지역격차에 대한 새로운 이론적 접근," 한국경제지리학회지 20(1), pp.70~83.
- 이금숙.박소현.함유희, 2021, "COVID-19 확산에 따른 사회적 거리두기 동안 나타나는 서울시 지하철 통행 변화와 역 배후지역이 지리적 특성," 한국경제지리학회지 24(2), pp,127-142.
- 이원호, 2016, "지속가능한 성장을 위한 지역회복력과 장소성: 지역경쟁력의 대안 모색," 한국지역지리학회지 22(3), pp.483-498.
- 이효선, 2015, 남해안 조선산업지대의 지역회복력에 관한 연구, 성신여자대학교 대학원 지리학과 석사학위논문.
- 이희연, 1989, 지리통계학 -지리자료분석기법-, 법문사.
- 전대욱, 2015, "지역공동체(Community Resilience)의 개념과 적용방안," 국토, 통권 400호, pp.34-39.
- 전명숙, 2009, "세계적 경제위기와 지역의 대응," 국제노동브리프 7(6), pp.1-3.
- 전지혜.이철우, 2021, "대구 게임산업의 경영위기와 회복력에 대한 분석," 한국경제지리학회지 24(3), pp.313-329.
- 행정안전부, 2020, 2021년도 지방자치단체 행정구역 및 인구 현황.
- 홍사흠.안홍기.하수정.남기찬.김은란, 2016, 지역경제 회복력 진단 및 증진방안 연구, 국토연구원.
- 홍승제, 2010, "금융위기 가장 먼적 극복한 한국," 나라경제, 2010년 9월호, pp.18-19.
- Beutels, P., Jia, N., Zhou, Q-Y., Smith, R., Cao, W-C. and de Vlas, S. J., 2009, "The economic impact of SARS in Beijing, China," Tropical Medicine and International Health 14(1), pp.85-91.
- Brand, F. and Jax, K., 2007, "Focusing the meaning(s) of resilience: resilience as a descriptive concept and a boundary object," Ecology and Seciety 12(1), pp.1-23.
- Brown, L. and Greenbaum, R. T., 2016, "The role of industrial diversity in economic resilience: an empirical examination across 35 years, Urban Studies 54(6), pp.1347-1366.
- Christopherson, S., Michie, J. and Tyler P., 2010, Regional resilience: theoretical and empirical perspectives, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 3(1), pp.3-10.
- Cross, R., McNamara, H. and Pokrovskii, A., 2009, "Memory of recessions," Discussion Papers in Economics, No.10-09, Depart. of Economics, Univ. of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
- Evans R. and Karecha, J., 2014, "Why is Munich so resilient and successful?," European Planning Studies 22(6), pp.1259-1279.
- Gong, H., Hassink, R., Tan, J. and Huang, D., 2020, "Regional resilience in times of a pandamic crisis: the case of covid-19 in China," Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 111(3), pp.497-512.
- Graetz, G. and Michaels, G., 2017, "Is modern technology responsible for jobless recoveries?, American Economic Review 107(5), pp.165-173.
- Hershbein, B. and Kahn, L. B., 2018, "Do recessions acclelerate routine-biased technological change? evidence from vacancy postings," American Economic Review 108(7), pp.1737-1772.
- Holling, C. S., 1973, "Resilience and Stability of ecological systems," Annual Review of Ecological and Sysematics 4, pp.1-23.
- Holling, C. S., 1996, "Engineering vs ecological resilience," in P. Schulze (ed.) Engineering Within Ecological Constraints, Washington, DC: National Academy Press, pp.31-44.
- Jaimovich, N. and Siu, H. E., 2020, "Job polarization and jobless recoveries," Review of Economics and Statistics 102(1), pp.129-147.
- Joo, H., Maskery, B. A., Berro, A. D., Lee, Y-K. and Brown, C. M., 2019, "Economic impact of the 2015 MERS outbreak on the Republic of Korea's tourism-related industries," Health Security 17(2), pp.100-108.
- Keogh-Brown, M. R. and Smith, R. D., 2008, "The economic impact of SARS: How does the reality match the predictions?" Health Policy 88(1), pp.110-120.
- Martin, R. and Sunley, P., 2015, "On the notion of regional economic resilience: conceptualization and explanation," Journal of Economic Geography 15(1), 1-42.
- Martin, R., Sunley, P., Gardiner, B. and Tyler, P., 2016, "How regions react to recession: resilience and the role of economic structure," Regional Studies 50(4), pp.561-585.
- Martin, R., 2012, "Regional economic resilience, hysteresis and recessionary shocks," Journal of Economic Geography 12(1), pp.1-32.
- Martin, R., 2018, "Shocking aspects of regional development: toward an economic geography of resilience," in G. L. Clark, M. S. Gertler, M. P. Feldman and D. Wojcik, eds., The New Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.839-864.
- Santos J, Yip C, Thekdi S, Pagsuyoin S., 2020 "Workforce/population, economy, infrastructure, geography, hierarchy, and time(weight): reflections on the plural dimensions of disaster resilience," Risk Anal 40(1), pp.43-67.
- UNCTAD, 2020, The Coronavirus Shock: A Story of Another Global Crisis Foretold and What Policymakers Should Be Doing about It, United Nations UNCTAD.
- Yu, K. D. S. and Aviso, K. B., 2020, "Modelling the Economic Impact and Ripple Effects of Disease Outbreaks," Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability 4(2), pp.183-186.