Investigation on the masonry vault by experimental and numerical approaches

  • Guner, Yunus (Department of Civil Engineering, Ege University) ;
  • Ozturk, Duygu (Department of Civil Engineering, Ege University) ;
  • Ercan, Emre (Department of Civil Engineering, Ege University) ;
  • Nuhoglu, Ayhan (Department of Civil Engineering, Ege University)
  • 투고 : 2021.01.18
  • 심사 : 2022.07.04
  • 발행 : 2022.07.25


Masonry constructions exhibit uncertain behaviors under dynamic effects such as seismic action. Complex issues arise in the idealization of structural systems of buildings having different material types and mechanical properties. In this study, the structural behavior of a vaulted masonry building constructed using full clay brick and lime-based mortar and sitting on consecutive arches was investigated by experimental and numerical approaches. The dimensions of the structure built in the laboratory were 391 × 196 cm, and its height was 234 cm. An incremental repetitive loading was applied to the prototype construction model. Along the gradually increasing loading pattern, the load-displacement curves of the masonry structure were obtained with the assistance of eight linear displacement transducers. In addition, crack formation areas, and relevant causes of its formation were determined. The experimental model was idealized using the finite element method, and numerical analyses were performed for the area considered as linear being under similar loading effect. From the linear analyses, the displacement values and stress distribution of the numerical model were obtained. In addition, the effects of tie members, frequently being used in the supports of curved load-bearing elements, on the structural behavior were examined. Consequently, the experimental and numerical analysis results were comparatively evaluated.



This study was supported by Ege University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit. Project Number: 16-MUH-101.


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