Atmospheric Corrosion Behavior of Weathering Steel Exposed to the Outdoors for 10 Years in Korea

  • Yoo, Y.R. (Materials Research Center for Energy and Clean Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Andong National University) ;
  • Choi, S.H. (Materials Research Center for Energy and Clean Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Andong National University) ;
  • Kim, Y.S. (Materials Research Center for Energy and Clean Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Andong National University)
  • Received : 2022.08.24
  • Accepted : 2022.08.30
  • Published : 2022.09.02


Steel structures exposed to the outdoors experienced several types of corrosion, which may reduce their thickness. Since atmospheric corrosion can induce economic losses, it is important to consider the atmospheric corrosion behavior of a variety of metals and alloys. This work performed outdoor exposure tests for 10 years at 14 areas in Korea and calculated the atmospheric corrosion rate of weathering steel. This paper discussed the atmospheric corrosion behavior of weathering steel based on various corrosion factors. The average corrosion rates in coastal, industrial, urban, and rural areas were found to range from (2.83 to 4.23) ㎛/y, (2.99 to 4.23) ㎛/y, (1.72 to 3.14) ㎛/y, and (1.57 to 2.85) ㎛/y respectively. It should be noted that the maximum corrosion rate was about 6.0 times greater than the average corrosion rate. Regardless of the exposure sites, the color differences were increased, but the glossiness was reduced and there was no relationship between the corrosion rate and environmental factors and the glossiness.



This work was supported by the Ministry of Knowledge and Economy, Korea (Contract No.: B0008572). The members of the Corrosion Science Society of Korea supported this work. We thank: Yonsei University (Prof. Yong Soo Park), Inha University (Prof. Woon Suk Hwang), Soonchunhyang University (Prof. Jong Kwon Lee), Korea Maritime & Ocean University (Prof. Ki Jun Kim), Gangwon National University (Prof. Song Hee Kim), Korea Institute of Construction Materials (Dr. Sang Myeong Kim), Korea Gas Corporation (Dr. Duk Soo Won), Korea Aerospace University (Prof. Yo Seung Song), Hongik University (Prof. Heesan Kim), Sungkyunkwan University (Prof. Jung Gu Kim), POSCO (Dr. Jong Sang Kim), RIST (Dr. Sung Nam Kim), Chonnam National University (Prof. Chan Jin Park). We are especially grateful to the late Prof. W. S. Hwang and the late Prof. K. J. Kim. This research was also partly supported by Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology(KIAT) grant funded by the Korea Government(MOTIE)(P0008458, HRD Program for Industrial Innovation, 2022).


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