What Is Normal for an Aging Heart?: A Prospective CMR Cohort Study

  • Johannes Kersten (University of Ulm, Internal Medicine II) ;
  • Carsten Hackenbroch (Department of Radiology, Armed Forces Military Hospital Ulm) ;
  • Muriel Bouly (Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disease Center for Therapeutic Innovation, Institut de Recherches Internationales Servier) ;
  • Benoit Tyl (Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disease Center for Therapeutic Innovation, Institut de Recherches Internationales Servier) ;
  • Peter Bernhardt (Heart Clinic Ulm)
  • Received : 2022.02.17
  • Accepted : 2022.05.02
  • Published : 2022.07.27


BACKGROUND: This study aims to investigate normal changes throughout aging of the heart in cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging in healthy volunteers. While type 2 diabetes mellitus is a frequent finding in the elderly population, also the influence of this circumstance in otherwise healthy persons is part of our study. METHODS: In this prospective single-center trial, 75 healthy subjects in distinct age groups and 10 otherwise healthy diabetics were enrolled. All subjects underwent functional, flow sensitive, native T2- and T1-mapping in a 1.5T CMR scanner. RESULTS: No differences in right and left ventricular ejection fractions were observed between aging healthy groups. Bi-ventricular volumes lowered significantly (p<0.001) between the age groups. There was also a significant decrease in myocardial T1 values, aortic distensibility, and left ventricular peak diastolic strain rates. There were no differences in T2 mapping and the other deformation parameters. Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus had lower end-diastolic volume indexes; all the other measurements were comparable. CONCLUSIONS: Aging processes in the healthy heart involve a decrease in ventricular volumes, with ejection fractions remaining normal. Stiffening of the myocardium and aorta and a decrease in T1 values are potential indications of age-related remodeling. Type 2 diabetes mellitus seems to have no major influence on aging processes of the heart.



The trial was funded by a research grant of Servier.


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