미투운동의 경제학: 이해주체들의 전략적 상호성을 중심으로

Analyzing the Strategic Reciprocity of the Interested parties surrounding the Me Too Movement

  • 이종민 (강원대학교 경제.정보통계학부)
  • Lee, Jongmin (Division of Economics and Information Statistics, Kangwon National University)
  • 투고 : 2022.05.25
  • 심사 : 2022.06.26
  • 발행 : 2022.06.30


Purpose - Although the government and civic groups do not always confront each other over the Me Too movement, the two stakeholders are often conflicted. For example, the two interested parties may have different positions in the gender conflict and be often hostile due to debates over how to institutionalize and distinguish actual harm from innocence. In this situation, the strategies of the two stakeholders for their own ends are inevitably interdependent. This paper is a study on the strategic reciprocity of interested parties in relation to the Me Too Movement, which has recently raised a new discourses in our society. Design/methodology/approach - We derive equilibrium of the reciprocity between civic groups(collectively referred to as the Me Too Movement Headquarters) leading the Me Too Movement and government that must preemptively respond to new social issues, and analyze how changes in some external conditions affect the reactions of the two stakeholders. For this purpose we rely on economic methodology. Findings - In the reciprocity between the two forces, we derive an equilibrium composed of the pair of the government's optimal response level and the civic group's optimal strategy, and further derive the comparative static results according to changes in external conditions. Analysis results are mixed with intuitive results and non-intuitive ones. However, even if the result is not intuitive, rational reasoning is possible as long as it is derived through a rigorous model, and it has several implications. Research implications or Originality - Although this study is a positive approach, it is meaningful as a starting point to explore practical discussion directions and alternatives by adding another new perspective and approach to research in other social science fields with many normative studies.



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