Impact of Philosophical Anthropology and Axiology on the Current Understanding of the Institution of Human Rights

  • Buglimova, Olga V. (Moscow City University) ;
  • Goncharov, Igor (North Caucasus Branch of the Russian State University of Justice) ;
  • Malinenko, Elvira (South Russian Institute of Management, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation) ;
  • Matveeva, Natalya (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation) ;
  • Stepanenko, Yuri (Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafina (Moscow State Law Academy)) ;
  • Chernichkina, Galina (Russian State University of Justice)
  • 투고 : 2022.07.05
  • 발행 : 2022.07.30


The article aims at studying the institution of human rights in an ever-evolving world in the context of the interdisciplinary approach. The main scientific method was deduction that allowed examining the specific interdisciplinary approach in relation to the institution of human rights on the global scale. To solve the issue set, it is necessary to study legal foundations and features of the interdisciplinary approach to the institution of human rights in the modern world. The article proves there is no theoretical anthropological understanding of the institution of human rights. It has been concluded that the appeal to anthropological jurisprudence requires the identification of the initial theoretical and methodological principles, parameters and axioms of cognition, the integration of a person into the subject field of legal science, linking jurisprudence with the chosen external environment (philosophy, sociology, theology, etc.), predetermining the existence (understanding) of a person, causing qualitative differences and the structure of subject-methodological phenomena. In addition to the identification of such hypotheses, prerequisites and axioms, the basic method (principle) of cognition and its heuristic potential are also being searched (defined). The terminological designation of the formed subject-methodological phenomenon (legal anthropology, anthropology of law, anthropological approach, etc.) reveals its role in the system of interdisciplinary relations of legal science.



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