Optimized junction temperature fluctuation suppression technique for SiC MOSFETs in a wireless charging system

  • Wang, Ruoyin (School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University) ;
  • Huang, Xueliang (School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University) ;
  • Li, Jiacheng (College of Electrical Engineering and Control Science, Nanjing University of Technology)
  • 투고 : 2021.07.19
  • 심사 : 2022.01.25
  • 발행 : 2022.05.20


The problem of SiC MOSFET junction temperature fluctuation in wireless charging systems must be addressed immediately. The existing temperature fluctuation suppression technique requires a large number of additional switches and capacitors. This study further optimizes the temperature fluctuation tracking suppression (TFTS) strategy. This method realizes closed-loop temperature adjustment and greatly simplifies the system structure. In addition, an optimized TFTS (OTFTS) strategy combined with an optimized proportional-integral-derivative control method is proposed to solve integral saturation and the subsequent control instability phenomenon. Then, a 5.5 kW experimental system is built. Results show that the OTFTS strategy eliminates 17.9 ℃ junction temperature fluctuation on the basis of reducing the hardware cost. It also has a good dynamic response and junction temperature fluctuation suppression effect.



This study is supported by Fast Wireless Charging Technology, JZX5Y20190221001001.


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