Information & Analytical Support of Innovation Processes Management Efficience Estimations at the Regional Level

  • 투고 : 2022.06.05
  • 발행 : 2022.06.30


Innovations significantly affect the efficiency of the socioeconomic systems of the regions, acting as a system-forming element of their development. Modern models of economic development also consider innovation activity, intellectual potential, knowledge as the basic factors for stimulating the economic growth of the region. The purpose of the study is to develop methodological foundations for evaluating the effectiveness of a regional innovation system based on a multidimensional analysis of its effects. To further study the effectiveness of RIS, we have used one of the methods of multidimensional statistical analysis - canonical analysis. The next approach allows adding another important requirement to the methodological provision of evaluation of the level of innovation development of industries and regions, namely - the time factor, the formalization of which is realized in autoregressive dynamic economic and mathematical models and can be used in our research. Multidimensional Statistical Analysis for RIS effectiveness estimation was used to model RIS by typological regression. Based on it, multiple regression models were built in groups of regions with low and relatively high innovation potential. To solve the methodological problem of RIS research, we can also use the approach to the system as a "box" with inputs and outputs.



The publication was publicly funded by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for developing of research project "Innovative component of security of sustainable development of old industrial regions of Ukraine: strategic directions of institutional support and technology transfer in innovation landscapes" and Project LET EDU 85399 / 17 (Italy).


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