Novel Intent based Dimension Reduction and Visual Features Semi-Supervised Learning for Automatic Visual Media Retrieval

  • 투고 : 2022.06.05
  • 발행 : 2022.06.30


Sharing of online videos via internet is an emerging and important concept in different types of applications like surveillance and video mobile search in different web related applications. So there is need to manage personalized web video retrieval system necessary to explore relevant videos and it helps to peoples who are searching for efficient video relates to specific big data content. To evaluate this process, attributes/features with reduction of dimensionality are computed from videos to explore discriminative aspects of scene in video based on shape, histogram, and texture, annotation of object, co-ordination, color and contour data. Dimensionality reduction is mainly depends on extraction of feature and selection of feature in multi labeled data retrieval from multimedia related data. Many of the researchers are implemented different techniques/approaches to reduce dimensionality based on visual features of video data. But all the techniques have disadvantages and advantages in reduction of dimensionality with advanced features in video retrieval. In this research, we present a Novel Intent based Dimension Reduction Semi-Supervised Learning Approach (NIDRSLA) that examine the reduction of dimensionality with explore exact and fast video retrieval based on different visual features. For dimensionality reduction, NIDRSLA learns the matrix of projection by increasing the dependence between enlarged data and projected space features. Proposed approach also addressed the aforementioned issue (i.e. Segmentation of video with frame selection using low level features and high level features) with efficient object annotation for video representation. Experiments performed on synthetic data set, it demonstrate the efficiency of proposed approach with traditional state-of-the-art video retrieval methodologies.



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