A Comparison of Scene Change Localization Methods over the Open Video Scene Detection Dataset

  • 투고 : 2020.06.05
  • 발행 : 2022.06.30


Scene change detection is an important topic because of the wide and growing range of its applications. Streaming services from many providers are increasing their capacity which causes the industry growth. The method for the scene change detection is described here and compared with the State-of-the-Art methods over the Open Video Scene Detection (OVSD) - an open dataset of Creative Commons licensed videos freely available for download and use to evaluate video scene detection algorithms. The proposed method is based on scene analysis using threshold values and smooth scene changes. A comparison of the presented method was conducted in this research. The obtained results demonstrated the high efficiency of the scene cut localization method proposed by authors, because its efficiency measured in terms of precision, recall, accuracy, and F-metrics score exceeds the best previously known results.



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