Opportunities for the Use of Blockchain Technology in the Tourism Industry

  • Received : 2022.06.05
  • Published : 2022.06.30


It is relevant and timely for the existence and prosperity of today's tourism to build up a stock of new abilities and a set of innovations. At present, the tourism industry is experiencing a new stage in its digital transformation. The newest technologies, which are now spreading en masse and one of which is rightfully considered to be blockchain technology, enable tourists to receive tourist services directly from the producers, which not only gives the consumer the opportunity to enjoy higher quality and inexpensive products but also increases the responsibility of the producer. The article analyzes research literature on the possibility of using blockchain technology in the tourism industry. Based on an expert survey, the main problems, prospects, and advantages of the implementation of blockchain technology in the tourism industry are identified. The paper proposes and analyzes an option for the use of blockchain technology on the basis of a blockchain project with a mobile app for users and a dedicated website and public API for travel service providers.



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