Validity and Reliability of the Korean Version of Advance Directives Attitude Scale for Nurses

한국어판 사전연명의료의향에 대한 간호사 태도 도구의 타당도와 신뢰도

  • Received : 2022.05.30
  • Accepted : 2022.06.21
  • Published : 2022.06.30


Purpose : This study aimed to verify the validity and reliability of the Korean version of the nurses' attitude scale toward advance directives of patients. Methods : We translated and back-translated the original tool consisting of 20 questions and tested and verified its content validity. Questions for which its content validity has been verified, a preliminary investigation was conducted among 20 nurses working in ICU, followed by the actual investigation. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 24.0 for Windows and Mac and AMOS version 24.0. To verify the validity, an item analysis was conducted for all 398 samples, and then an exploratory factor analysis for 200 samples that were randomly selected, followed by a confirmatory factor analysis for the remaining 198 samples. Results : Korean version of advance directives attitude scale (K-ADAS) consisting of 14 questions - 7 questions on 'patient rights,' 4 questions on 'role of a nurse,' and 3 questions on 'ethical judgment' - was verified its validity and reliability. Conclusion : In this study, the validity and reliability of the K-ADAS have been verified. We expect the verified tool to be useful in various fields that measuring the nurses' attitude toward advance directives of patients.



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