Stress-related energy dissipation and damping model of concrete considering moisture content

  • Liu, Baodong (School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University) ;
  • Zhang, Pengyuan (China Construction Third Bureau Technology Innovation Development Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Lyu, Wenjuan (Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology)
  • 투고 : 2021.05.06
  • 심사 : 2022.05.24
  • 발행 : 2022.06.25


Although the influence of moisture content on the mechanical properties of concrete has been studied for a long time, research related to its influence on the damping and energy dissipation property of concrete structure is still very limited. In this paper, the relationship between damping property and moisture content of concrete using cyclic uniaxial compression is firstly presented, and the mechanism of the influence of moisture content on concrete damping and energy dissipation capacity is analyzed. Based on the experimental research, moisture-related damping and energy dissipation model is proposed. Results show that the dissipated energy of concrete and loss factor increase as the moisture content increasing. The energy dissipation coefficient reflecting the influence of stress level of concrete under cyclic load, decreases first and then increases as the moisture content increasing. The mechanism of moisture-related energy dissipation behavior can be divided into the reactive force of water, the development of the internal micro cracks and the pore water pressure. Finally, the proposed moisture-related damping and energy dissipation model are verified.



The research described in this paper was financially supported by the National Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51278031).


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